
Update on my next novel: O2

A quick update on my next novel… I’m happy to announce that ‘O2’ has moved beyond the final editing stage and will enter final production very soon. I delayed the publishing date to 2023 for various reasons, and in a nutshell I’m really pleased with the extra work and polish on the manuscript. I can’t wait to see the finished product and get it out to my readers.

I read right through the manuscript yesterday to do a final edit check, and I’m confident readers will find the story and the characters compelling and captivating. This is a story that’s never been conceived or told before, and it will take you on a journey with Dylan Malloy – the main character – like no other. The story is loosely based on real-life events and blended with some unique human flaws. This book will really get you thinking – in an entertaining way, and holding the edge of your (passenger) seat as you experience the thrilling climax.

The cover design is just a concept at this stage, and I’ve included it here to give you a bit of a feel for the story

And I’m glad to announce the story doesn’t end there! This is book #1 in the Dylan Malloy series. His story is only just beginning…