Bonus content for readers of Convergence on the 42nd Parallel

Cast of characters
If you’d like some help to keep track of characters, here’s a handy list to use.Click the file link to open / download, and feel free to print it out:
Abbreviations and nicknames
I did my best to keep these to a minimum in the book, but check this list if you find something that doesn’t make immediate sense. Click the file link to open / download, and feel free to print it out:
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS – Convergence on the 42nd Parallel [PDF]
Easter eggs
Easter Eggs? Have I lost my mind? Well, no, not quite :).
Easter eggs are tiny secrets embedded into the story and the text. They are harmless plays on words, character names, places, and historical events. You’ll find a few scattered through the book, but don’t worry – if you miss them you’re not missing any critical parts of the story. It’s just a bit of literary fun.
If you find an easter egg, please post it on my Facebook or Instagram pages. First-in on each easter egg will get a special mention!
Book club questions
This book is a great choice for book club discussions. It’s not your standard thriller, and not everyone is going to agree with the way I’ve handled some of the issues and themes. I expect some readers will disagree, some will take certain sides, and some will put forward alternate points-of-view. Please go for it! My aim was not to convince readers on any particular position, I’m more interested in generating thought, reflection, and debate. I suggest you consider this list after you have read the book–not before–to prevent ‘spoilers’.
BOOK CLUB DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – Convergence on the 42nd Parallel [PDF]
Key settings - images
I hope I’ve provided readers with evocative descriptions of key places in the book, and a solid sense of place. If you’d like to see what these places actually look like, please click the links below. Some of these images were taken by myself and are hosted on my photography website. Each image will open in a new tab/window.
- River Derwent – Hobart, Tasmania – with Droughty Point and Tranmere on the left, the South Arm Peninsula mid-frame, and Storm Bay and Bruny Island in the distance.
- City of Hobart, Tasmania – and kunanyi/Mount Wellington.
- Bruny Island, Tasmania – with the South Arm Peninsula mid-frame, and the Iron Pot Lighthouse just above the sunlit patch.
- Lagoon Bay, Tasmania – with the airstrip just visible on the far left.
- Bathurst Harbour, Tasmania – and Mount Rugby.
- Melaleuca, Tasmania – and Bathurst Harbour Airstrip.
- Mong Kok, Hong Kong
- Nan Lian Garden, Hong Kong
- Pyonyang, North Korea (Bradt Guides)
- Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, China (
- Naval Station, Norfolk, Virgina, USA (
- Norfolk Virgina and Chesapeake Bay (
- San Diego, California, USA (
Aircraft and vessels - images
f you’re not familiar with the aviation and nautical hardware I’ve used in the book, click the links below to see how these machines look. Each image will open in a new tab/window.
Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter (
Grumman C2A Greyhound aeroplane (
Cessna 206 aeroplane (
- Ford Class aircraft carrier (CVN) (cnet)
- Guided-missile cruiser (CG) (
- Los Angeles Class Attack submarine (
- Virginia Class Fast Attack submarine (

Maps of key locations
If you’re on a computer, click CTRL-+ on your keyboard to enlarge the view
Southern Tasmania

Tasmania and the 42nd Parallel

Lagoon Bay and Forestier Peninsula

The Yellow Sea - including North-east China, North Korea and South Korea
China’s North Sea Fleet Headquarters in Qingdao is to the west (left-side), with North Korea and South Korea to the east and separated by the 38th parallel.